Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tests lined up

A couple more days before I can dedicate my 100% into this interest.. and we've got a couple more tests lined up to familiarize myself with the system and it's capabilities before we test it on the actual field. Currently, there are no confirmed dates although the nearest 'confirmed' one is a go-kart test somewhere in September, and probably one at Sepang around then too. Btw, we're looking for volunteers to test this system out. Volunteer = no monetary gains obviously, but the driver would be rewarded with detailed information and feedback on his driving and if possible, his car's capability and setup. If this plan works out, he would have other perks and priority as well.

First up we've got the OBD (On Board Diagnostics) to Serial adaptor which we will test to see if it able to read and record ECU data and synchronize it with the other data. I have a feeling that we can only either record both logger and OBD or view OBD alone only, and not both together. We'll see how it goes.

The next test would be trying out laps. I haven't had the chance to use the lap function in the software, with sector markings, split times and all. It would be interesting driving around my block round and round. =)

Hopefully, will get these two tests sorted out by the end of this week cuz Murphy's Law always stands. Something will go wrong. If it doesn't, then you're doing it wrong.

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